terms of service
This website [ENERJUMP.JP] is operated by Japan ENERJUMP Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company"). Before using this website, please carefully read the following terms of use and use this website only if you agree to these terms. Please note that by using this website, you are deemed to have agreed to all of the terms. Please note that our company may change the terms of use for this website without notice, so please check the latest content.
Copyright and Trademarks
Unless otherwise specified, the copyright, trademark rights, and other intellectual property rights of the information, content, trademarks, logos, etc. posted on this website belong to our company. It is strictly prohibited to divert or reproduce any part or whole of these, either as is or with modifications, beyond the scope of personal use or other purposes expressly permitted by law, without obtaining prior written consent from our company.
About the information posted
Although we exercise great care when posting information on this website, we do not guarantee the accuracy or validity of the content, its suitability for the intended use, or its safety. We may change or delete the content without notice. We may also suspend or discontinue operation of the website itself.
Prohibited matter
The following acts are prohibited when using this website:
Any act that infringes or may infringe on the property or privacy of a third party or our company.
Any act that causes or may cause disadvantage or damage to a third party or our company.
Any act that damages the reputation or credibility of a third party or our company.
Any act that is contrary to public order and morals, or that may be contrary to public order and morals.
Criminal acts or acts that are or may be linked to crimes.
Making false declarations or reports, such as registering another person's email address.
Any activities aimed at business activities or profit-making, or activities aimed at preparing for such activities.
Any act of using or providing harmful programs such as computer viruses, or any act that may result in such acts.
Any other acts that violate or may violate laws, regulations, or ordinances.
Any other conduct that the Company deems inappropriate.
Use of this website is at your own risk. We are not responsible for any direct or indirect loss or damage incurred during the use of this website.
Linking to this website
In principle, you are free to link to this website. There is no need to contact us when linking. However, depending on the content of the website you are linking to and the method of linking, we may ask you to remove the link. Furthermore, we strictly prohibit links from the following types of websites:
Websites that contain content that is intended to slander or disparage our company, other companies or third parties, or to damage their credibility.
Websites created with the intention of infringing the copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights of our company, other companies, or third parties.
Websites that use links to this website for the purpose of conducting commercial activities (such as providing information on this website for a fee)
Recommended environment
Web browser
We recommend viewing this website using Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Apple Safari for iOS, or Google Chrome for Android. If you use this website in an environment other than the recommended one, or depending on the web browser settings even in the recommended environment, you may not be able to use the website or it may not display correctly.
We recommend that you download and use the latest browsers.
This website contains content that uses JavaScript.
If JavaScript is disabled in your browser, the site may not function (or display) correctly. To use all content, we recommend that you enable JavaScript in your browser settings.
Copyright and Trademarks
Unless otherwise specified, the copyright, trademark rights, and other intellectual property rights of the information, content, trademarks, logos, etc. posted on this website belong to our company. It is strictly prohibited to divert or reproduce any part or whole of these, either as is or with modifications, beyond the scope of personal use or other purposes expressly permitted by law, without obtaining prior written consent from our company.
About the information posted
Although we exercise great care when posting information on this website, we do not guarantee the accuracy or validity of the content, its suitability for the intended use, or its safety. We may change or delete the content without notice. We may also suspend or discontinue operation of the website itself.
Prohibited matter
The following acts are prohibited when using this website:
Any act that infringes or may infringe on the property or privacy of a third party or our company.
Any act that causes or may cause disadvantage or damage to a third party or our company.
Any act that damages the reputation or credibility of a third party or our company.
Any act that is contrary to public order and morals, or that may be contrary to public order and morals.
Criminal acts or acts that are or may be linked to crimes.
Making false declarations or reports, such as registering another person's email address.
Any activities aimed at business activities or profit-making, or activities aimed at preparing for such activities.
Any act of using or providing harmful programs such as computer viruses, or any act that may result in such acts.
Any other acts that violate or may violate laws, regulations, or ordinances.
Any other conduct that the Company deems inappropriate.
Use of this website is at your own risk. We are not responsible for any direct or indirect loss or damage incurred during the use of this website.
Linking to this website
In principle, you are free to link to this website. There is no need to contact us when linking. However, depending on the content of the website you are linking to and the method of linking, we may ask you to remove the link. Furthermore, we strictly prohibit links from the following types of websites:
Websites that contain content that is intended to slander or disparage our company, other companies or third parties, or to damage their credibility.
Websites created with the intention of infringing the copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights of our company, other companies, or third parties.
Websites that use links to this website for the purpose of conducting commercial activities (such as providing information on this website for a fee)
Recommended environment
Web browser
We recommend viewing this website using Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Apple Safari for iOS, or Google Chrome for Android. If you use this website in an environment other than the recommended one, or depending on the web browser settings even in the recommended environment, you may not be able to use the website or it may not display correctly.
We recommend that you download and use the latest browsers.
This website contains content that uses JavaScript.
If JavaScript is disabled in your browser, the site may not function (or display) correctly. To use all content, we recommend that you enable JavaScript in your browser settings.